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Business Insider: Inside Point72’s Boot Camp for Developing All-Star Portfolio Managers

October 2023

At Point72, we pride ourselves on providing mentorship, coaching, and a comprehensive suite of development programs tailored to every stage of an investor’s career. In 2012, we launched our emerging portfolio manager program Point72 LaunchPoint because we saw how strongly preparation influenced the long-term success of new PMs. Since then, more than 70 long/short managers have launched through the program, and we continue to add new participants from our analyst ranks and outside the organization.

Recently, Business Insider took an in-depth look at the growth of Point72 LaunchPoint and how the program offers customized, hands-on coaching in addition to helping PMs with start-up costs and infrastructure builds.

“We saw that preparation really influenced the long-term success of new PMs…We’re underwriting their business, and we want to help it evolve.”

– Jon Weiner, Head of Point72 LaunchPoint

Check out the full story here!

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