1The estimated Firm AUM is as of 1/1/2025, and only includes the amount of all assets managed by Point72 Asset Management, L.P. (“the Firm” or “Point72”) in its multi-strategy funds. For the purposes of this website AUM does not include those assets in other strategies managed by the Firm, and its investment advisory subsidiaries and does not include, for example, assets managed by Cohen Private Ventures and/or Point72 Private Investments.
The Firm is a registered investment advisor and receives services and support from several affiliated entities, including Point72, L.P. which employs middle and back-office personnel providing services to the Firm as well as entities operating in foreign jurisdictions employing personnel providing investment and other services to the Firm. As a result, references to the Firm should be understood to include such affiliates and their personnel to the extent providing support or other services to the Firm.
As of 7/1/2024 the Firm has an estimated employee headcount of 2800+. Employee headcount excludes individuals employed by Cohen Private Ventures and Point72 Private Investments.