Point72 Chief Economist Dean Maki recently finished first out of 43 participants in the forecasting competition run by The Forecasters Club of New York* for the year ending in Q1 2024. The first-place finish comes after Dean recently placed second for the competition ending in Q3 2023.
Founded in 1950, The Forecasters Club of New York provides a forum for discussing economic issues and techniques to develop more accurate forecasts. The club is limited to 50 resident members, each from a different organization, in order to facilitate open discussion among a broad group representing different perspectives. Dean has been a member since 2006, serving as president in 2014-2015.
Led by Dean, our global economist team helps our investment professionals better assess market opportunities and investment decisions through regular forecasting and analysis across the latest macro, economic, and monetary policy trends.
Please join us in congratulating Dean on his most recent achievement.
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*Receipt of an award does not imply a certain level of investment skill or expertise, and should not be viewed as an endorsement of either the recipient or Point72. Past performance is not a guarantee of similar future results.